


All Butterflies

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Butterflies of North America


Tropical Butterflies



I've received quite a number questions concerning my butterfly images so I thought I'd respond to some of these below:
The images are of live butterflies. The pictures of North American butterflies were taken in nearby fields, parks, and in my backyard.  The tropical butterfly images were taken at various butterfly conservatories in the US, Canada and Costa Rica.

I've used a 35mm cameras, both film and digital, and various zoom lenses.  ometimes I use a flash, depending on how much available light there is, but I always strive to match the ambient lighting for more natural looking backgrounds. I handhold the camera since these are live butterflies and they don't stay still long enough to set-up a tripod.  I hope you enjoy these and let me know what you think in my GuestBook.

A selection of these images are available as prints through the website ImageKind which you can reach by clicking the banner on the right



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